The Danger Of Scorpion Sting
Scorpions maybe small in size but they are among the dangerous predators in the world. One particular thing that they all possess in common is their venom which oftentimes appear to be neurotoxic. Their prey won’t surely survive on their sting and venom and may die within just a couple of minutes to hours after the bite.
However, scorpion stings are not just for their prey alone, since human beings may also receive the sting coming from these deadly predators.
Scorpion has over 1,500 different species, and among these numbers, 50 species are identified as lethal to man, and most of these species are coming from the “Buthidae” family. And since only a little percentage of the entire species of scorpions poses significant danger to men, they were loved by animal lover and often kept as their pet. An emperor scorpion is one good example, they are commonly kept as pet because their sting are not that lethal and are quite similar to the sting of a bee. This kind of scorpion may not be aggressive in nature and they only strike when they are provoked.
Venomous Scorpions
Scorpions use their stings to protect their selves against the threat coming from other predators. It serves as their defense mechanism and their weapon which they used to incapacitate their prey.
- Androctonus australis or the fat-tailed scorpions are among the deadliest stinger which are commonly found in the Middle East and northern part of Africa.
- Desert Scorpions which are often called as the “yellow scorpion” or the “death stalker” are another species of scorpion that carries a deadly and highly fatal sting. This kind of scorpions releases one of most lethal sting which can easily kill their prey. Death stalkers are also found in the Middle East and the northern part of Africa.

Scorpion sting is considered as a major health issue nowadays; especially underdeveloped or rural areas in which treatments and facilities are not readily available. The sting may range from harmless, mild, to fatal. Once stung, the victim may immediately experience several signs and symptoms which may include the following:
- Pain and burning sensation
- Pallor
- Sweating
- Difficulty of breathing
- Mild swelling on the sting area
- Excessive salivation
- Nausea and vomiting

First Aid Treatment for Scorpion Sting
If you are a victim of any venomous scorpion, the very first thing that you need to do is to apply some first aid treatments to minimize the effects and lessen the incident of other related complications. Here are some of the first aid treatments for scorpion sting:
- Wash the sting area and if possible, put some cold water on the affected area immediately.
- Apply ointments on the sting site especially those that contains corticosteroids, analgesic, and antihistamine.
- Place ice on the affected area just over the ointment. This will reduce the pain and burning sensation which may experience by the victim.
- Take some pain killing medication like acetaminophen and antihistamine like Benadryl.
- To be sure, immediately consult the nearest hospital to be treated and receive anti-venom injections because there are other types of scorpion sting which may appear to be extremely fatal.
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