Learn Cooking With Gina’s Homemade Cooking Classes
Gina’s Homemade was made possible through the effort of Gina and Chris Buskirk, a couple who found a permanent home for making homemade products. Among their first and original products are baked biscotti and fresh cheese. Their product has grown slowly over time to include some of America’s most delectable Italian artisan soft cheeses.
Gina’s homemade offers a variety of goodies refrigerated cheeses (like ricotta, mascarpone, mozzarella, burrata, and Bene Con Tutto) to butters (with flavors like truffle, sea salt, and plain); pasta to pizza; and many more. They also serve soups, and ready- to- bake pizza.
Gina’s Homemade would like to return the favor to their fans. As their own way of saying “thank you” to all those who patronizes their products, Gina’s homemade are now offering cooking classes. They are sharing their ultimate cooking secrets with a series of cooking classes. Their cooking classes focuses on pizza making, pasta sauce, pasta making, and cheese making classes.
Every cooking class is limited up to 20 visitors only and usually cost $30. So don’t be late!!! Make your reservations now. For more information, you can also visit ginashomemade.com/cooking-class or call (480) 882-0787 with questions.
For up-to-date information you can visit us at our website LiveinMcDowellMountainRanch.com
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