Social Media, what a great way to keep in touch, but also a great way to market. Our world is ever changing. Right now there is a big shift in Advertising. You see many of us will be watching shows and sports directly from the Internet soon. I don’t know about you, but I was a long time morning paper guy. The ipad has changed that and I asked Lisa to cancel our subscription. Now I get to choose who I get my news from. It can be a website for a paper, a news company or just average joe’s blog, vblog or youtube.
The Advertisers are catching on. They spend collectively about $1 trillion dollars a year. This is where we all come in using Social Media. We simply share things we believe in. Not because we make money, but because they are good products to share. Not multi-level marketing, affiliate marketing. I have a friend making over $10k per month just from affiliate marketing. We will also share information on our blogs, vlogs and youtube earning advertising fees there too. We should get a big chunk of that $1 trillion, don’t you think?
I hope you enjoy the article below. The heading is a link to the rest of the story!
Just my opinion…JeffRCameron
How Social Media Is Changing Brand Marketing
SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 Four in 10 brand marketers think social creates new challenges to maintaining brand integrity
Social media has changed much about how consumers communicate with one another, and has given them the ability to broadcast opinions about brands, products and services further than traditional word-of-mouth can reach. It has also meant something that can be scary for brands: Marketers are no longer fully in control of the message.
According to a study from branding agency MiresBall and KRC Research, 40% of brand representatives around the world felt social media posed new challenges to the integrity of their brand. More than a third said that social networking sites affected brands significantly enough to bring about changes in marketing strategy.